If you have been doing your research before getting a laptop, you’ll no doubt be aware of the RAM that you need, along with the gigabytes of data and you’ll know what to look for in battery life. But what about the display?
Unless you are a professional or budding gamer, the display probably hasn’t crossed your mind, as most people simply use their laptops for typing emails and searching the web. But some research has shown that there are certain types of displays that are better for the eyes and can even help improve your sleep. Interesting! In this article, LCD and LED displays will be compared and explored.
What is Laptop Display?
As mentioned before, laptops, have two types of screens; LCD screen or LED screen.
LCD stands for liquid crystal display and LED means light emitting diode. Both of these are common in laptops and even in light fittings, particularly in fish tanks, but as you may have guessed, one is more expensive than the other. On top of that, some operating systems have a specific type of light and display that they like for their laptops. Head over to lenovo.com to find out what this brand of laptop’s favorite display features are.
This depends entirely on what you are using the laptop for and like most things relating to software and displays, it’s often a case of personal choice. Many professional gamers prefer LED-based display systems, and for those who suffer from migraines, the lack of blue light that accompanies an LCD-based display is also beneficial. If you’ve found that your laptop display looks a bit blurry and you’ve recently had your eyes tested, it may indeed be due to the display itself.
Which Helps Eye Health?
Sadly, while many people who suffer from migraines find that LCD is better, there is no such thing as a laptop display that’s good for eye health. If you use a laptop every day, then it’s likely your eyes will suffer from strain, and it may be worth getting a blue screen or blue light reflecting glasses to help. Also to avoid using your laptop in a dark room.
Just be sure to visit your opticians regularly and choose the display type that gives you the best clarity to prevent you from needing to squint or strain your eyes further.
External Monitor or Not?
Many people have found that upgrading their laptop display to an external monitor has helped, in part because it makes the image larger and once again, this reduces the strain on the eyes. Both LED and external LCD monitors can offer brilliant clarity, especially for gaming and using graphic-based software, so once again, it may simply be due to your personal preference!
If you’ve bought a laptop that has an LCD display, and you want to change it to an LED (or vice versa) via an external monitor, this isn’t usually possible. You’ll likely need to purchase an entirely different laptop. Sorry about that!