Cosplay is a combination of the words “costume” and “roleplay.” It has become a hugely popular form of expression and community worldwide, emerging from a variety of fan groups who enjoy choosing a character from their most loved cultural work—then creating a costume to replicate them. There are conventions all over the globe where people enjoy using cosplay as a way to make friends and share their interests with other people. If you are hoping to get started in cosplay but don’t know how to begin, here is a brief guide to help you create your perfect cosplay.
Choose Your Character
The first and most important element of cosplay is the character. It could be an existing character from a movie or game franchise, or perhaps a creative reimagining of a character. For example, some people cosplay as the evil version of a good character or the male version of a female character. There are so many ways to be playful and creative with your character choice, so don’t feel too restricted at this stage.
Gather Your Supplies
Cosplay is all about sharing your interests within a community and not everyone feels the need to create a perfect costume. However, if you want to take the time to make your ideal cosplay, you will need to gather some essential cosplay supplies to help you out. Many cosplayers make almost all of their costumes from scratch, meaning that a lot of skill and preparation goes into them. It is worthwhile asking friends who also cosplay what you will need to get started on your costume.
Find Tutorials
Since cosplay can be such a varied activity, you might come across issues with your costume that not many other people have experienced. This is when finding the right online tutorial can be extremely helpful. Use the internet to your advantage and be as specific as you can. This will help you find other people who have perhaps encountered the same technical issues with their costume and found a way to overcome it.
Consider Comfort and Safety
Depending on how elaborate your costume is, you might want to be mindful about your level of comfort while wearing it and how long you can go before needing a break. Some costumes are heavy and restrictive, meaning that it is best to take them off regularly so you can get some air and drink some water. If your costume is unpleasant to wear then it will be harder for you to enjoy yourself.
Think About How to Transport and Store Your Costume
If you are traveling to a convention or another type of cosplay event, plan ahead how you want to transport your costume. Some cosplays can be easily packed away in a suitcase whereas others are larger or more delicate and need to be stored safely for transit. If you have taken the time and care to create your own cosplay from scratch, you will definitely want to protect it.