Microsoft Excel is the basic program which is consisting of worksheets of rows as well as columns. In the worksheet, the data can be easily stored. It’s better known as spreadsheet same like Microsoft Word table. The main work of Microsoft Excel is doing very simple till complex and difficult mathematical calculations as well as other function.
So there are some important questions and answers to be known while using Microsoft Excel:
• What is Microsoft Excel
• The Worksheet & Workbook
• How to Move From Cell to Cell
• How to Select Cells
• How to Enter Data into Cells
• How to Propagate Cell Contents
• How to Move and Copy Cell Contents
• How to Add and Delete Rows and Columns
• How to Lock Cells and Protect a Spreadsheet
The Excel Worksheet (Spreadsheet) and Workbook
The Microsoft Excel Worksheet is also better known as Spreadsheet has two-dimensional grids with columns as well as rows. The spreadsheet starts like; it has columns which are named alphabetically beginning with A, the rows are beginning with number one. A1, B1, C1 and many more are the cells in the first row. A1, B1, C1 are the cells in the first columns, which are all known as cell names or cell reference.
Excel is also having Workbook where all the worksheets or spreadsheets are collected. While the excel is opened, it’s opening with rest other blank worksheets. On tabs near the bottom of the excel window, the names of the worksheets are displayed.
How to Move From Cell to Cell?
In the excel, there are arrow keys in the current cell which can be easily moved to left, right, up, down. Below the current cell, we can immediately enter the key so that it will move to the cell. The tab key will help in moving one cell to the right.
How to Select Cells?
In an excel spreadsheet, there are some ways which help in selecting cells:
For choosing or selecting one cell, we can easily click in the cell
For choosing or selecting more rows of the cell, then we can click on row numbers
We can click on column letters for selecting one or more columns of the cell.
While selecting or choosing any category of the contiguous cell, we need to corner one of the cells as well as dragging the mouse to its opposite direction.
If some cells which are not at all contiguous, then we need to press it, holding the control key while choosing the most desired cells.
We need to click in the upper right corner in the worksheet while selecting every cell of the worksheet.
How to Enter Data into Cells?
So let’s know how to enter data into cells. First, we need to click in the cell and start typing. In the cell, whatever is typed is shown in the formula bar. The excel has the default of making the date of the current year while entering dates.
In the formula bar, we can easily edit cell contents. So as we are editing from the formula bar, then first we need to select the cell and then choosing the formula bar. Once the typing work is completed, then we can choose into another cell.
How to Propagate Cell Contents
So there are many ways of propagating or just filling data from a particular cell to adjacent once. So let’s start with the most popular keyboard shortcuts that are to fill down or fill to right:
• As we need to fill the adjacent cells so, then selecting the cell is required and data by Sprintzeal. Pressing the Ctrl + D in filling down.
• Towards the contents of the cell to left we need to fill out the adjacent cells by choosing the cell which is to be filled, pressing the Ctrl + R in filling up the right.
• Actually the Microsoft Excel’s handle is much powerful. As we need to propagate so need to fill the handle with the method like clicking in the cell and data which are copied.
How to Move and Copy Cell Contents?
As we required to move the cell contents, then need to click to the selected cell as well as click and cut. After that, clicking in the current location and then paste. Cell contents are also to be copied then right click of the selected cell as well as selecting copy and then paste in the current cell.
How to Add and Delete Rows and Columns?
In the spreadsheet, we need to insert the new row with clicking on row number then insert. The row above the row must be clicked on which the Microsoft Excel Training inserts. For continuation of this then F4 key has to be inserted for every additional row.
For deleting a row then clicking on the row number and then delete. Before deleting, we need to highlight the contiguous rows.
How to Lock Cells and Protect a Spreadsheet?
For locking as well as protecting the spreadsheet, there are two steps which are important from mistakenly deleted. The very first one is that cells are to be locked. Then the second one protection of the worksheets.
So these were the important questions and answers which needed while using Microsoft Excel.