The act of swallowing pills could be a hard pill to swallow for many!
You might think this is an issue only faced by the kids, but that is far from true. There are adults and the elderly who are having a hard time swallowing pills as well. This is why what they need is a solution.
But, before we understand the solution, we must understand the problem first. In this excerpt below, we will specifically discuss the issues. You might think, ‘oh, it is all psychological.’
However, for some reason, you might need to consult a doctor as well. So, let’s get a deep dive into the causes of difficulty when it comes to swallowing a pill.
Now, yes, there are some tricks which you can try. Like the lean back method or water before the pills, but if the problem is something serious, these tricks may not help.
Have you Ever Tried Gel Pills?
Now, what are gel pills?
You might be asking.
Then understand that gel pills are excellent oral medication help that can solve the problem of pills which are hard to swallow in a heartbeat.
No more bad taste or the fear that you might choke because gel pills are gel-coated pills that mask the bad bitter taste and smell of antibiotics or painkillers. Plus, it gives you extra lubrication, which makes swallowing the pills even easier.
If you have kids or elderly parents at home who absolutely despise the idea of swallowing pills, gel pills are your saviors. They will take away the difficult times you are wasting on typing to convince them.
For adults, just explain that the soft gel will prevent choking, and for kids, just hide them in their applesauce, and you are good to go. This is the magic of gel pills.
What Makes Swallowing Pills So Hard
Here are some of the reasons why we are having so much difficulty swallowing the pills.
1. Having A Dry Mouth
Having a dry mouth is the biggest cause of not being able to swallow a pill. If you have ever faced difficulty in swallowing a pill before, then probably your throat wasn’t moisturized properly.
With a dry esophagus, the powdered pill or capsules might get stuck. It is the only water that helps you swallow it with ease. Plus, you can also opt for gel-coated pills as well, which give you easier lubrication.
2. Having Dysphagia
Dysphagia is a disease that causes difficulty in swallowing among people. This is a disease that affects the esophagus’s capability to process anything smoothly. You will often find someone suffering from dysphagia have difficulty swallowing even small pieces of food.
So, swallowing huge pills and capsules can cause difficulties. This is a disease that generally comes to old age or after taking certain previous medication, which dries out the esophagus.
Consult a doctor immediately if you are always feeling choked no matter what you take.
3. Having Phagophobia
Phagophobia is a serious mental issue. This is when an individual suffers from the irrational fear of choking. This especially comes in when they are swallowing something without chewing.
Now, pills are something that you gulp down. So, there is no chewing process involved in it. At times like these, one might need intensive therapy to get rid of phagophobia.
4. Tasting The Bitterness
This is generally seen in kids when they try pills for the first time. Since they are unable to grasp the concept at first, they tend to taste the pill, and the bitter taste puts a distaste in them for the whole concept.
It is like ab involuntary feer, and the next time you bring the pills to them, they get stubborn.
5. Involuntary Gag Reflex
The gag reflex activates when you are trying to swallow something without properly chewing it. This is your body’s way of telling that something is not properly processed through chewing and swallowed.
However, when it comes to pills, you can’t really chew them. This can lead to an involuntary gag reflex which can even make you throw up at times.
Take Help Today!
If you are someone who has been facing difficulty for a long time, no matter how many tricks and tips you have tried. Then you must take help as soon as possible.
Sometimes not being able to swallow pills can be a nuisance when it comes to curing ailments.
So, ensure to not take it lightly!